About me

Hi everyone, for those that don’t know me my name is Kelly! I am currently a resident of Colorado but am originally from New York. Since being in Colorado, balance of life has been at the forefront of importance for me. Many people feel that finding the time for cooking is luxury seldom had, but many delicious meals can be prepared very quickly. I’ve been cooking for a while now but really started fleshing out my passion for it the last two years. I’ve found a lot more time after my move to devote myself to the things I truly love. Cooking makes me happy. It is a way for people to tell their story without ever saying a word. My goal is to inspire people, and in return, get inspired by others. Food is a conduit, bringing people together and allowing them to transcend all boundaries. Cooking for others is what I enjoy most of all. We started our catering business where we can offer small dinners/ small social hour or your next bartender to shake up some drinks. #cookitkelly_ @cookitkelly_ .