Colombian Beans

I feel very lucky to be Colombian. The food is so delicious and theres so much wonderful culture. In the past few years I have lost some of my customs and the recent month I’ve been trying to bring it back to my life. Living in Colorado, finding Colombian food is very hard & I usually don’t cook it at home. I recently made these colombian beans and it gave me a taste of my childhood. These beans are made in a crock pot and are super easy to make. It will take time but good things always takes time! Total cook time is 5hrs, I hope you enjoy this recipe. Be sure to tag me if you try this recipe, I’d love to see what you guys come up with. #cookitkelly_ @cookitkelly_

Servings: 4-6

Cooktime: 5hrs

Prep time: 1.5hrs


  • Dried red beans 1cup
  • Carrots 2Lg shredded
  • Tomatoes 2plum cubed
  • Scallions 1bunch chopped
  • Chicken bouillon 1cube
  • Green plantain 1 use spoon to cut into imperfect small pieces
  • Rice 1cup use cooking instructions
  • Add-ons avocado, sweet plantains, protiens i.e chuleta, steak, chorizo, chicharron

Guiso is a combination of tomatoes, scallions and sazon seasoning ( I use goya brand) cooked down in butter or oil. Its a burst of flavor that gives any dish a great taste of umami.


  1. Start off with soaking the beans in water overnight. This will help the beans cook evenly and cook faster without having to use a pressure cooker.
  2. Get your crock pot and put it on high. Drain the beans that have been in water overnight. Strain the water and add the beans to the pot and add 1cube of chicken bouillon. Cover the crock pot with enough water to cover all of the beans and a bit extra. Cook on high for 3hrs.
  3. In the mean time cut the green plantain into imperfect cubes, I usually use a spoon for this and not a knife. You don’t want the plantain to be perfectly cut cubes.
  4. At hour 3 add in the plantains and continue to cook on high for another hour. You might need to add a little more water at this time.
  5. While the crock pot is on its last high hour, start making your Guiso– grab another pan and cook down the tomatoes and scallion in butter(or oil) and one tablespoon of the sazon. Cook for 5-8mins and then add to crock pot.
  6. On hour 4 lower your crock pot to low and cook for one more hour. While this is happening cook your rice- follow cooking instructions and cook your extras & proteins as well. Some examples of the proteins you can have with the rice and beans is chuleta, chicharron, steak, chicken and as extras you can have sweet plantains, avocado or even a fried egg.
  7. Note: I didn’t add any extra salt as the sazon and the chicken bouillon already has so much salt. At the very end before serving taste and at this time you can add salt to taste.
  8. Just like any recipe, make it your own and have fun with it!!!
  9. Serve in a bowl and enjoy!

P.s I have added this to my highlights on my IG page @cookitkelly_ where you can follow along. As always, if you have have any questions reach out I’m always available 😀


Lasagna is one of my favorite things to make for so many reasons. You can make it different each time, use different proteins, make it vegatarien to name a few. This recipe is a ground beef and veggie lasagna. Leave out the ground beef and you’ll have yourself a delicious vegetarian option. Be sure to tag me if you try this recipe, I’ll love to see what you guys come up with. #cookitkelly_ @cookitkelly_


  • 1 cup ground beef
  • 1 1/2 cup eggplant (cut into cubes)
  • 2/3 cup mushrooms (diced)
  • 2 tablespoon shallots (sliced)
  • 2 tablespoon garlic (minced)
  • 1 cup shredded mozzarella
  • Fresh mozzarella (optional)
  • 1 cup ricotta
  • 1 jar tomato sauce (I use Classico brand)
  • 1 teaspoon each: garlic powder , chili flakes , italian spices
  • Lasagna pasta


  1. In a big pot, start boiling your water for the lasagna – follow the cooking instructions on the box.
  2. In a large sauce pan, drizzle olive oil. Once the oil is hot, cook your garlic and shallots until translucent, about 3-5mins. Throw in the ground beef and cook with the garlic and shallots. At this time, add in all your spices and mix well. (If making your lasagna vegetarian, skip this step).
  3. Add in the eggplant and mushrooms and mix with all the spices for about 5-7mins. Add in your tomatoes sauce, covert pan and bring to a boil. Lower the temperature to low and let simmer for about 10mins. Always taste as you go add in a pinch of salt & pepper and any other spices you enjoy.
  4. Lasagna noodles should be ready- drain them and set aside. Pre-heat oven to 375F at this time while you start building the layers of your lasagna.
  5. Grab your lasagna pan. First layer will be the pasta noodle, then the tomato sauce with the veggies and ground beef, add in ricotta in teaspoon size all around and sprinkle the shredded mozzarella. Repeat until you run out of pasta should be about 3 layers high.
  6. If you are using the fresh mozzarella, add it to the top most layer.
  7. Cook lasagna for about 10-12mins. The cheese should begin bubbling at the top.
  8. Turn your oven to broil and leave your lasagna in for 5 mins! Keep an eye on it as it could burn. By broiling it, your cheese will cook a bit more and give the top layer more of a crisp bite.
  9. Take out of oven and let it cool for at least 5mins. Cut and serve
  10. Enjoy !

Shrimp Ala Vino Gnocchi

With all the time I’ve had the past few weeks, I’ve been wanting to make everything out of scratch. I mean, why not!! We are all trying to find something we love to pass our time, a new hobby to pick up, and the kitchen is what works for me. It actually gives me more motivation and keeps my mind very busy, which is very important with everything going on around the world. Homemade gnocchi is is easy to make and the outcome is so rewarding. Be sure to tag me if you try this recipe, I’d love to see what you guys come up with. #cookitkelly_ @cookitkelly_


  • 3 Large potatoes
  • 1 Egg
  • 1 2/3 Cups of Flour
  • 1/2 Pound shrimp (about a dozen shrimp)
  • Crispy prosciutto or bacon
  • 1 Can diced tomatoes
  • White wine
  • EVOO
  • Parmesan
  • 4 Cloves garlic
  • 1/2 Shallot
  • Heavy cream
  • Kale or spinach



  1. Start off with making the Gnocchi. Boil potatoes until fork tender. I usually cut them in 1/4 so that the potatoes boil faster.
  2. When potatoes are ready, take them out of water and let them cool off about 20mins. I partially peel them. You could peel them completely. Use a fork or hand and mash the potatoes completely.
  3. You will need plenty of counter space.
  4. Place mash potatoes on the counter and leave an opening in the middle for your flour and egg.
  5. Start with 1 cup of flour , and crack the egg. Start mixing all three things until you get a dough like consistency. You will need to continue to add flour 1 tablespoon at a time until you get the right consisenty. Flour will also help the mix not get stuck to the counter top. Dough should be soft and not sticky at all times.
  6. In a large pot, start boiling your water for the gnocchi.
  7. You should have a ball of dough, use a pizza cutter and cut in 4-6 pieces. Start rolling it out, long ways like a churro. Use a pizza cutter and start cutting your gnocchi pieces. I usually cut my about 1in long. You don’t want them too big or too small.

Sauce & final steps

  1. In another larger pan, drizzle EVOO. Add in the shallots and garlic and sauté for about 5mins, add in the white wine, about 2/3 of a cup. Add in the can of diced tomatoes. Let it simmer for a few minutes. Add in the de-shelled shrimp and let shrimp cook. Stove should be on medium the whole time.
  2. Start throwing your gnocchi in to the boiling water. They cook in about 2-3mins super FAST. When they start to float, they are ready. Take them out and set aside.
  3. On the sauce pan, add in a touch of cream ( as much or as little as you’ll like) and the parmesan. Shrimp should be fully cooked at this time.
  4. Add gnocchi to sauce and mix. Lower temperature and add in your kale or spinach.
  5. Serve immediately. Finish it off with chopped fresh herbs. I used oregano and crispy prosciutto or bacon .

Whole Roasted Chicken


  • Whole chicken (with giblets)
  • 1 orange
  • 1 stick butter 
  • 3-4 scallions
  • dry herbs. I prefers Italian seasoning, parsley, thyme, lemon & pepper, black pepper
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • flour


  1. Take chicken out – rinse and pat dry. Take out giblets and set aside. 
  2. Season the whole chicken and let it marinated in the fridge cover for at least 1hour 
  3. Chop up the scallions and garlic. On a medium pan put in some 1/2 stick of butter and garlic and your choice of dry herbs. Once hot add in chopped giblets and sizzle them for a bit. Add in water about two cups and scallions and cover on medium until it starts to boil
  4. Once it’s boiling set it on low and let it simmer for up to 3-4hours. 
  5. Turn on your oven and pre-heat to 425 degrees 
  6. Take chicken out of fridge and place on your cooking pan. Breast should be facing up. 
  7. Cover with aluminum foil for the first 2 hrs. In the pan had in some water 
  8. After the two hours take off the aluminum foil and spread butter on the chicken and squeeze some fresh orange juice on it. Cook for another 1.5 hour keeping an eye on it. Repeat the butter & juice a few times to get the skin crispy and a juice bird. 
  9. Giblets are still simmering – the last 30mins of chicken in the oven strain out all the giblets and herbs from the pot. Leaving you just the juice. 
  10. Turn on stove to Medium again and add in remainder of butter and start whisking in flour very slowly. You should get a gravy like consistency which is what you’re looking for. 
  11. Take out chicken as you want it to rest for at least 20mins before cutting it. If you have some water/chicken drippings left on your roasting pan add it to your gravy. 
  12. Cut and serve