Blue Cheese Dressing

This blue cheese dressing is the easiest dressing to make. Its chunky and so tasty, no need to buy store brand blue cheese. This will probably be the easiest recipe I’ll probably post for you all. Be sure to tag me if you try this recipe, I’d love to see what you guys come up with. #cookitkelly_ @cookitkelly_


  • 2/3 cup greek yogurt
  • 1 tablespoon worcestershire sauce
  • 1 tablespoon garlic powder
  • 2/3 cup of blue cheese crumbles
  • Salt & pepper pinch each
  • 1/3 cup mayo
  • Juice of 1/2 lemon


  1. Grab a medium size bowl. Combine all ingredients.
  2. Mix well and refrigerate for 1 hour before eating.
  3. Store in fridge for up to 5-7days.

Creamy poppy seed Kale Slaw

Cole slaw could be made so many ways and with so many different greens. I’ve been trying to eat more kale and figuring out different ways to use it. This Kale slaw with a poppy seed dressing is so good. Its light and bright in color from the kale, brussel sprouts, carrots and red onion. Super simple to make at home. Be sure to tag me if you try this recipe, I’d love to see what you guys come up with. #cookitkelly_ @cookitkelly_


For the dressing

  • 1/2 Cup mayo
  • 2 tablespoon honey
  • 1 teaspoon poppy seeds
  • 1 tablespoon seeded mustard
  • Juice of 1/2 lemon

The slaw

  • 2 1/2 Cup kale
  • 2/3 Cup carrots shredded
  • 1/3 cup red onion sliced
  • 1 1/3 Cup brussel sprouts shredded


  1. Grab two bowls, one large and one small.
  2. In the large bowl, mix all the ingredients for the slaw.
  3. In the small bowl, combine the ingredients for the dressing. Whisk well and set in fridge.
  4. Once your ready to serve the slaw, take out the dressing and toss the the kale slaw mixture so its fresh and not soggy.
  5. Serve and Enjoy!

Shrimp Ala Vino Gnocchi

With all the time I’ve had the past few weeks, I’ve been wanting to make everything out of scratch. I mean, why not!! We are all trying to find something we love to pass our time, a new hobby to pick up, and the kitchen is what works for me. It actually gives me more motivation and keeps my mind very busy, which is very important with everything going on around the world. Homemade gnocchi is is easy to make and the outcome is so rewarding. Be sure to tag me if you try this recipe, I’d love to see what you guys come up with. #cookitkelly_ @cookitkelly_


  • 3 Large potatoes
  • 1 Egg
  • 1 2/3 Cups of Flour
  • 1/2 Pound shrimp (about a dozen shrimp)
  • Crispy prosciutto or bacon
  • 1 Can diced tomatoes
  • White wine
  • EVOO
  • Parmesan
  • 4 Cloves garlic
  • 1/2 Shallot
  • Heavy cream
  • Kale or spinach



  1. Start off with making the Gnocchi. Boil potatoes until fork tender. I usually cut them in 1/4 so that the potatoes boil faster.
  2. When potatoes are ready, take them out of water and let them cool off about 20mins. I partially peel them. You could peel them completely. Use a fork or hand and mash the potatoes completely.
  3. You will need plenty of counter space.
  4. Place mash potatoes on the counter and leave an opening in the middle for your flour and egg.
  5. Start with 1 cup of flour , and crack the egg. Start mixing all three things until you get a dough like consistency. You will need to continue to add flour 1 tablespoon at a time until you get the right consisenty. Flour will also help the mix not get stuck to the counter top. Dough should be soft and not sticky at all times.
  6. In a large pot, start boiling your water for the gnocchi.
  7. You should have a ball of dough, use a pizza cutter and cut in 4-6 pieces. Start rolling it out, long ways like a churro. Use a pizza cutter and start cutting your gnocchi pieces. I usually cut my about 1in long. You don’t want them too big or too small.

Sauce & final steps

  1. In another larger pan, drizzle EVOO. Add in the shallots and garlic and sauté for about 5mins, add in the white wine, about 2/3 of a cup. Add in the can of diced tomatoes. Let it simmer for a few minutes. Add in the de-shelled shrimp and let shrimp cook. Stove should be on medium the whole time.
  2. Start throwing your gnocchi in to the boiling water. They cook in about 2-3mins super FAST. When they start to float, they are ready. Take them out and set aside.
  3. On the sauce pan, add in a touch of cream ( as much or as little as you’ll like) and the parmesan. Shrimp should be fully cooked at this time.
  4. Add gnocchi to sauce and mix. Lower temperature and add in your kale or spinach.
  5. Serve immediately. Finish it off with chopped fresh herbs. I used oregano and crispy prosciutto or bacon .

Salsa Roja y Verde

Working in restaurants, I always meet a lot of coworkers from other cultures. Many of those workers are from Hispanic decent and being from Columbian myself, it allowed me the opportunity to learn the foods of many other Hispanic cultures. They would often make food for themselves and offer me some which is so amazing! They make some of the most unique salsas. From New York to Colorado kitchens, they always had something in common and that commonality was their salsas. It went with whatever they were eating, from tacos to rice and beans or just a dipping sauce. Some were spicier then others (which is always my favorite kind). I would try to make them at home but they never came out the same, until I finally started to ask questions and came up with my own version thanks to all the people in the back of house! Be sure to tag me if you try this recipe, I’d love to see what you guys come up with. #cookitkelly_ @cookitkelly_


Salsa Roja

  • 4 Large red tomatoes
  • 2 Jalapeños
  • 1/2 Yellow onion
  • Cilantro
  • Salt and Pepper
  • EVOO

Salsa Verde

  • 4 Tomatillos (green tomatoes)
  • 2 Jalapeños
  • 1/2 Yellow onion
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • Cilantro
  • Salt & Pepper
  • EVOO


  1. Preheat oven to 350F (177 C). Use two sheet pans.
  2. Cut the Tomatoes in 4’s. Onions and jalapeños into smaller pieces (doesn’t have to be exact sizes its all going in a blender afterwards).
  3. Be sure to keep them separated. You are making TWO salsas. Or one if your only into one or the other.
  4. Cover all the veggies in Extra Virgin Olive Oil, salt, & pepper.
  5. Roast in oven for about 20-25mins. Be sure to keep an eye on them. You want them to be slightly charred.
  6. Once ready, take them out and set aside. Let them all cool off for a few mins.
  7. Start off with the salsa VERDE ingredients and add to a food processor or blender. Add in a hand full of cilantro ( this is really your preference on how much. If you don’t like cilantro at all skip it and add a different herb like parsley. This will definitely change the flavor). Add in some lukewarm water and blend away. Use a jar to pour it in.
  8. Repeat with the Salsa ROJA same process.
  9. Enjoy right away or you can store it in your fridge for a few days. Definitely MAKE sure its completely cool down before you put it in your fridge.
  10. If you don’t feel like roasting any of it, you can just boil or even grill everything instead. The flavor will be similar, except you won’t get the char flavor. Both ways are super easy to make.


Waking up and craving pancakes or waffles? I did this morning and just had to make some. Its so easy and they taste so good. I always make a few extra and freeze them. No need to buy pre-frozen pancakes when you can just make the pancakes yourself. Take them out of freezer when you are craving and pop in the toaster. I measured everything this time around so I can share my pancake recipes with you all. Be sure to tag me if you try this recipe, I’d love to see what you guys come up with. #cookitkelly_ @cookitkelly_


  • 2 cups Flour
  • 1 1/2 tsp Baking powder
  • 1 1/2 tsp Brown sugar
  • 1/2 cup Heavy Cream
  • 1 cup Almond milk
  • 2 tsp Vanilla extract
  • 2 Eggs
  • 1/4 cup melted butter
  • Non-stick spray (PAM is the brand I use)


  1. Grab two medium bowls. Add all the dry ingredients in one bowl and all the wet ingredients in the other other.
  2. Mix wet ingredients with a fork or whisk.
  3. Slowly add the wet ingredients into the dry bowl. Mix slowly while pouring and make sure there are no dry areas. Make sure not to over mix.
  4. Using a non-stick pan , place on medium to low heat and spray PAM non stick spray on the pan.
  5. Once the pan is hot, pour a mini pancake on the pan to make sure the temperature is correct. Mini pancake should cook evenly. Take out and place on a plate. I always wipe my pan with a paper towel so that the PAM doesn’t burn and spray fresh PAM for each new pancake.
  6. Repeat and make the whole mix. I like to make extra to freeze them.
  7. When making the pancakes to freeze, use a 1/4 cup measuring cup. This will ensure the pancakes are small enough to fit in the toaster. Let the pancakes cool off completely before placing in the freezer.
  8. Use plastic wrap or parchment paper to separate the pancakes. Put then in a freezer safe zip up bag and freeze away.

Arepa Colombiana

Growing up, arepas were always a part of my live. The dish is mainly served for breakfast with just butter and cheese, but we also had it for lunch or a late snack with “hogao” and steak. Hogao is a mix of tomatoes , scallions , butter and Goya seasoning. Arepas are made out of maize meal which is pretty much just cornmeal patties. They are a staple in Colombian cuisine. Venezuela has their own version of arepas as well and they have become more and more popular in the USA. This is how I make my arepas. Be sure to tag me if you try this recipe, I’d love to see what you guys come up with. #cookitkelly_ @cookitkelly_


  • 2 cups of cornmeal ( I use the brand PAN)
  • 1/2 cup of shredded mozzarella cheese (or your preference of cheese)
  • 2 cups of lukewarm water
  • Butter


  1. Mix in the cornmeal, cheese, and water in a large bowl.
  2. Using your hands, mix the dough until its soft with no dry spots.
  3. You will need a circular mold to make the shape of the arepa. I use one of my tops of a tupperware as my mold.
  4. Spread butter on the mold so that the mix doesn’t stick. Wet your hands with a little water and make small balls with the masa. Spread the masa and mold the arepa in a circular shape.
  5. Make sure you have your parrilla (arepa grill) on the stove hot. If you don’t have one, just use a small pan that your arepa will fit in. Use a little butter to make sure the masa doesn’t stick
  6. Heat should be on medium-low and keep an eye on it. Flip it a few times until its golden brown. If you want it crispy, just leave it on low for a few extra minutes on each side.

Beet Tostada

While being quarantined with no work and not much to do, I have been spending a lot of time in the kitchen. With that being said, I need some motivation and inspiration to make sure I’m cooking all sorts of different things and go out of my comfort zone. I’ve been following Bon Appetite for a while now and really love seeing all the posts they put up. I recently subscribed to their magazine which I receive every month! This morning I was craving a tostada but wanted to make one I’ve never tired before. I came across the Beet Tostada in their March magazine and I had almost all the ingredients on hand. You can always get recipes and make it your own as you tweak them to your liking or utilize the ingredients you have in your fridge. This is the original recipe . Below, you will find my personalized recipe. Be sure to tag me if you try this recipe, I’ll love to see what you guys come up with. #cookitkelly_ @cookitkelly_


  • 1 small red beet
  • Oil oil
  • salt and pepper
  • garlic powder, paprika , chili powder
  • 6 cloves of garlic
  • 1/2 of yellow onion
  • 1/2 can of fire roasted tomatoes
  • 3 Chili de Arbol
  • vegetable oil
  • eggs
  • tostadas
  • oregano


  1. Cut beet into 1/4 pieces , cover with EVOO , garlic powder , paprika , salt , pepper and chili powder. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Roast beets in oven for about 15-20mins. Make sure to check them around the 15min mark. You want them to be tender but not too soft.
  3. Cut your onions in slices set aside. Slice 3 of the garlic cloves and the other 3 cloves. Chop up into very small pieces. Chop up the chili de arbol, making sure to get rid of the stem.
  4. For the “Salsa de Arbol,” grab a small sauce pan and drizzle some Olive oil, once its hot add in the chili de arbol and the chopped garlic. (Be sure your careful not to make the oil TOO hot because it will splash you and the smell from the chilis can burn your nose. Happened to me . oops ). Once cooked down, add in the 1/2 can of the fire roasted tomatoes and 1/2cup water. Let the sauce cook for about 15-18mins until most of the water is evaporated.
  5. On another pan, add in about 1/2cup of vegetable oil and set temperature on medium-low.
  6. When vegetable oil is hot, slowly fry your onions and garlic. Make sure not to throw them in and only a few at a time. Take them out and place over paper bag or paper towels to absorb any extra oil.
  7. Beets should be ready and can be taken out of oven and set aside.
  8. Grab your eggs and cook them as you’ll like. I personally did mine over easy which is one of my favorites.
  9. Grab your tostada and start assembling them. Tostada, beets , eggs, salsa de arbol ,onions and garlic in that order. The Bon Appetite calls for sage which I did not have so I used fresh oregano instead.

Whole Roasted Chicken


  • Whole chicken (with giblets)
  • 1 orange
  • 1 stick butter 
  • 3-4 scallions
  • dry herbs. I prefers Italian seasoning, parsley, thyme, lemon & pepper, black pepper
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • flour


  1. Take chicken out – rinse and pat dry. Take out giblets and set aside. 
  2. Season the whole chicken and let it marinated in the fridge cover for at least 1hour 
  3. Chop up the scallions and garlic. On a medium pan put in some 1/2 stick of butter and garlic and your choice of dry herbs. Once hot add in chopped giblets and sizzle them for a bit. Add in water about two cups and scallions and cover on medium until it starts to boil
  4. Once it’s boiling set it on low and let it simmer for up to 3-4hours. 
  5. Turn on your oven and pre-heat to 425 degrees 
  6. Take chicken out of fridge and place on your cooking pan. Breast should be facing up. 
  7. Cover with aluminum foil for the first 2 hrs. In the pan had in some water 
  8. After the two hours take off the aluminum foil and spread butter on the chicken and squeeze some fresh orange juice on it. Cook for another 1.5 hour keeping an eye on it. Repeat the butter & juice a few times to get the skin crispy and a juice bird. 
  9. Giblets are still simmering – the last 30mins of chicken in the oven strain out all the giblets and herbs from the pot. Leaving you just the juice. 
  10. Turn on stove to Medium again and add in remainder of butter and start whisking in flour very slowly. You should get a gravy like consistency which is what you’re looking for. 
  11. Take out chicken as you want it to rest for at least 20mins before cutting it. If you have some water/chicken drippings left on your roasting pan add it to your gravy. 
  12. Cut and serve

Turkey Chili

Who doesn’t love a good chili? This turkey chili is so easy to make. Few ingredients and add to crock-pot and let it cook for 4hours on low. Add your favorite toppings and have leftovers for days! Great for a cold day. Be sure to tag me if you try this recipe, I’d love to see what you guys come up with. #cookitkelly_ @cookitkelly_


  • 3 tsp bacon fat
  • 1/2 red onion
  • 2 celery sticks
  • 2 carrots
  • 2-3 cups Ground turkey
  • 1 can of Pink beans
  • 1 can of Pinto beans
  • 1 can of fire roasted tomatoes
  • Spices : salt & pepper, cayenne pepper , onion powder , chili powder & paprika


  1. Cut onions, celery & carrots. Cook in bacon fat until tender and light brown. Add in ground turkey
  2. In large pot cook the turkey and veggies for a few minutes until turkey is fully cooked. Turn on your crock pot and set on LOW.
  3. Throw in the veggies and turkey to crock pot, open the cans of beans and fire roasted tomatoes. Add in to crock pot with the turkey and veggies. Add in all the spices and mix well. Cover and cook on low for about 4hours.
  4. Once ready – serve in a bowl and add in your favorite toppings I.e jalapeños , cheese & jalapeños. 

Fried Goat cheese


  • goat cheese ( not crumbled)
  • flour
  • egg
  • bread crumbs
  • vegetable/ canola oil ( your preference)
  • honey
  • chili flakes
  • Italian season


  1. Make balls with your goat cheese depending on what size you want. I suggest no bigger than a golf ball (easier to fry).
  2. Once made into balls - put them over parchment paper and throw them in the freezer for about 20mins.
  3. In that time beat your egg in one bowl, in two other bowls add in flour in one and bread crumbs in other
  4. If you have a small fryer turn it on. If no fryer use a deeper pan and add in your choice of oil. Turn on stove to Medium (maybe even a little lower) you don’t want the oil to get TOO hot too fast and start splashing on you.
  5. Take out balls of goat cheese out of freezer and start dipping them.
  6. 1st in the flour, egg second and finally the bread crumbs.
  7. Once you know your oil is hot - start throwing them in. One by one very slowly. Turn them over after 3-4 mins you want them to look nice and brown. When you take them out place over paper bag and paper towel so it will absorb the oil. Let them rest for a few minutes but don’t let them get cold.
  8. While they rest grab your plate, drizzale as much or little honey as you’ll like. Sprinkle chili flakes & Italian season . Place fried ball of deliciousness goat cheese over honey. Enjoy with your favorite crackers!