Fried Goat cheese


  • goat cheese ( not crumbled)
  • flour
  • egg
  • bread crumbs
  • vegetable/ canola oil ( your preference)
  • honey
  • chili flakes
  • Italian season


  1. Make balls with your goat cheese depending on what size you want. I suggest no bigger than a golf ball (easier to fry).
  2. Once made into balls - put them over parchment paper and throw them in the freezer for about 20mins.
  3. In that time beat your egg in one bowl, in two other bowls add in flour in one and bread crumbs in other
  4. If you have a small fryer turn it on. If no fryer use a deeper pan and add in your choice of oil. Turn on stove to Medium (maybe even a little lower) you don’t want the oil to get TOO hot too fast and start splashing on you.
  5. Take out balls of goat cheese out of freezer and start dipping them.
  6. 1st in the flour, egg second and finally the bread crumbs.
  7. Once you know your oil is hot - start throwing them in. One by one very slowly. Turn them over after 3-4 mins you want them to look nice and brown. When you take them out place over paper bag and paper towel so it will absorb the oil. Let them rest for a few minutes but don’t let them get cold.
  8. While they rest grab your plate, drizzale as much or little honey as you’ll like. Sprinkle chili flakes & Italian season . Place fried ball of deliciousness goat cheese over honey. Enjoy with your favorite crackers!