Grilled Tomato Salad

Grilling season is finally here and I must say, I am so excited! I just got my grill and I couldn’t be more thrilled. It’s going to be a little challenging because things cook differently on the grill and I am looking forward to the challenge. This grilled salad is so delicious and absolutely vibrant dish. It’s a great way to use your tomatoes which also makes me excited for the garden I’m currently working on. Be sure to tag me if you try this recipe, I’d love to see what you guys come up with. #cookitkelly_ @cookitkelly_


  • 2 large plum tomatoes
  • Hand full of cherry tomatoes
  • 1 large vine tomato
  • 1/2 of a shallot
  • Hand full of scallions
  • 2 tablespoons of ricotta
  • 2 tablespoons EVOO
  • Salt & pepper to taste
  • Basil garnish
  • 2 tablespoons bread crumbs (optional)

This kind of salad has plenty of room to bring forth the ingredients you enjoy most. A bit more cheese, a bit less scallions. Make it your own and have fun doing it.


  1. In a large bowl, put in your all your tomatoes, scallions and shallots. Pour in your EVOO, salt and pepper. Mix everything and let it set aside for a bit to let it marinate in the Olive Oil.
  2. Turn on the grill and let it heat to 350 degrees. Place the tomatoes and scallions straight on the grill. Place the shallots on top of aluminum foil so that it doesn’t fall through the grill.
  3. Be careful with the scallions as they will charr quickly. Place charred scallions in bowl with the leftover EVOO.
  4. Start flipping the tomatoes being careful with the skin as it gets charred and could peel off. As soon as they are nice and charred all around, take them out and place them in the bowl you had them in before.
  5. Set everything aside and let it cool. This salad can be served lukewarm or fully cooled down.
  6. Once you are ready to serve, cut the tomatoes into quarters. Leave the cherry tomatoes full size.
  7. Place tomatoes on your severing plate, add the scallions whole on the middle of the plate and add the shallots.
  8. Top it off with your ricotta, spread it out all through the plate. Garnish with fresh basil and breadcrumbs if you’re using them. Finally, use the leftover EVOO you have in your bowl to pour over the whole salad. Add a pinch of salt and pepper if you would like.
  9. Enjoy!