Arepa Colombiana

Growing up, arepas were always a part of my live. The dish is mainly served for breakfast with just butter and cheese, but we also had it for lunch or a late snack with “hogao” and steak. Hogao is a mix of tomatoes , scallions , butter and Goya seasoning. Arepas are made out of maize meal which is pretty much just cornmeal patties. They are a staple in Colombian cuisine. Venezuela has their own version of arepas as well and they have become more and more popular in the USA. This is how I make my arepas. Be sure to tag me if you try this recipe, I’d love to see what you guys come up with. #cookitkelly_ @cookitkelly_


  • 2 cups of cornmeal ( I use the brand PAN)
  • 1/2 cup of shredded mozzarella cheese (or your preference of cheese)
  • 2 cups of lukewarm water
  • Butter


  1. Mix in the cornmeal, cheese, and water in a large bowl.
  2. Using your hands, mix the dough until its soft with no dry spots.
  3. You will need a circular mold to make the shape of the arepa. I use one of my tops of a tupperware as my mold.
  4. Spread butter on the mold so that the mix doesn’t stick. Wet your hands with a little water and make small balls with the masa. Spread the masa and mold the arepa in a circular shape.
  5. Make sure you have your parrilla (arepa grill) on the stove hot. If you don’t have one, just use a small pan that your arepa will fit in. Use a little butter to make sure the masa doesn’t stick
  6. Heat should be on medium-low and keep an eye on it. Flip it a few times until its golden brown. If you want it crispy, just leave it on low for a few extra minutes on each side.